When starting a business one of the most important things to consider is how to acquire the capital you need to start. A common way of doing this is through obtaining a business loan. This can also help to fund the expansion and maintenance of an existing business as...
It would be a shame if you worked hard your whole life to earn money and build wealth but end up having to deal with health issues or chronic pain which may significantly hurt your quality of life. One common issue which can result in dealing with chronic pain is...
Diversification is an important aspect of investing you should not ignore. This means you will want to invest in more than just growth stocks. It may be a good idea to invest in all types of stocks, bonds, and securities. Even real estate should be considered as an...
There are four core concepts to creating value in your business, also known as the Value Acceleration Method. The first of these concepts is called “The Three Legs of the Stool.” Now that your business is growing & flourishing, ask yourself some key questions: Is...
Nobody can know for sure what will happen in the future. One day you may be healthy and of sound mind but the next you may end up incapacitated. Maybe you end up in a coma following a car accident or you experience the onset of dementia. Whatever the cause, you need...